Sustaining Inquiry by Gary Ansdell (p54 - p55)
Gary Ansdell
Historical Perspectives Interview Series, Leslie Bunt (p56 - p61)
Interviewed by Cathy Durham
Variations on a Theme - The evolution of a Music Therapy Research Programme at the Bristol Cancer Help Centre (p62 - p69)
Leslie Bunt, Sarah Burns and Pat Turton
Music therapy has an increasingly important role within the residential programme at the Bristol Cancer Help Centre. The main theme of this article is an emerging integrated approach to the evaluation of the music therapy intervention at the Centre. The variations referred to in the title are summaries of two earlier research projects and an analysis of a recent series of focus group discussions. Research plans are also suggested as future variations. There is a cyclical and common-sense approach to the way in which the music therapy research has developed at the Centre. All evidence has emerged and is emerging from the practice. Close links are developing between the ongoing changes in the methodologies for the music therapy research and the overall research plans at the Centre.
'A Suspiciously Cheerful Lady' - A study of a Song's Life in the Paediatric Oncology Ward, and Beyond... (p70 - p82)
Trygve Aasgaard
This paper presents a study of song creations in music therapy with critically ill children. It consists of three parts. Part I presents an outline of individual and environmental health concepts in relation to children (families) with cancer and music therapy - including a short introduction to the literature on song creations in paediatric oncology settings. Part II presents a case study of one song and its development and history. Part III offers an analysis and interpretation of themes relating to the song phenomena - ending with a discussion of the findings within an ecological health perspective.
Speaking with Clients - Perspectives from Creative Music Therapy (p83 - p92)
Fraser Simpson
This article describes the process and results of a project undertaken to research the place and significance of verbal communication between therapists and clients in Creative Music Therapy. Six music therapists were interviewed for the study , all of whom were experienced in working with clients with normal language skills. The study examines ways in which the therapist converge and diverge in their ways of thinking about and using words in the clinical setting, and a theoretical model is presented in an attempt to elucidate the fluid relationship between words and music. The bulk of the analysis is presented in categories originating from the therapists' comments. It is concluded that this aspect of music therapy requires careful consideration by music therapists, being both highly complex and intertwined with personal ideologies.
A Response to the Review of Music Therapy in Palliative Care - New Voices (p93 - p94)
Wendy Magee
A Response to James Robertson's 'An Educational Model for Music Therapy: the Case for a Continuum' ( p94 - p98)
Sylvia Woodward
Book Reviews
Clinical Applications of Music Therapy in Psychiatry and Clinical Applications of Music Therapy in Developmental Disability, Paediatrics and Neurology - Reviewed by Anna Maratos Tooth and Simon Procter (p99)
Edited by Tony Wigram and Jos de Backer
The Dynamics of Music Psychotherapy - Reviewed by David Stewart (p102)
Edited by Kenneth E. Bruscia