Vol 22 No 1 2008
Published: Tue 1st January
ISSN 1359-4575

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Journal Articles:
Sounding ourselves, sounding change (p2)
Using electronic music technologies in music therapy: opportunities, limitations and clinical indicators (p3 - p15)
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In recent years there has been growing interest in the use of a range of electronic technologies in music therapy. However, there remain no empirical investigations into the clinical applications of these tools, nor guidelines for their use. This article draws from a recent research study which explored how music therapists are using technology in practice with children, adolescents and adults across special educational, community, hospice and rehabilitation settings in the UK (Magee & Burland in press). Particular focus was given to technology requiring switches and sensors. The purpose of this article is to make clinical recommendations regarding the opportunities and limitations of using technology in music therapy, using illustrative data extracts from therapists experienced in using technology in practice. The study shows that music therapists turn to technology to enable a client to participate actively or to widen the client's musical expression. Technology offers improved access for people with complex physical needs to engagement in active methods of music therapy. Using technology in music therapy has benefits for the client, the therapist and the wider interdisciplinary treatment team. Despite its positive role, technology is experienced as offering a lesser aesthetic experience that acoustic instruments. Finally, clinical indicators and contra-indicators are offered to guide clinicians in understanding when technology may be helpful and when it might be avoided in the clinical context.
Avoiding conflict: what do adolescents with disordered eating say about their mothers in music therapy? (p16 - p23)
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Music therapy is an integral part of the inpatient treatment programme for young women with disordered eating at the Royal Children's Hospital in Melbourne. As part of ongoing clinical audit activities, an investigation was undertaken to analyse retrospectively the lyrics of young women who had participated in the music therapy programme. The purpose was to monitor and improve local clinical practice and clarify the specific contribution of music therapy to the diagnosis of anorexia nervosa. Results highlighted the role of mothers in the experiences of the young participants, with references to this relationship exceeding those to any other relationships. These findings are discussed in conjunction with an abandoned study where parental consent was not forthcoming for participation in a group music therapy research project. This article promotes a continuing awareness of the importance of the mother-daughter relationship in the treatment of eating disorders.
The religious dimensions of popular music and their implications for music therapy (p24 - p34)
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This article uses as its foundation contemporary research in the area of religious studies which claims that significant numbers of people in the Western world have a relationship to certain forms of rhythmically-based popular music that has acquired a religious dimension. This can be seen as a consequence both of the decline of formal religious involvement and of the fact that most forms of contemporary popular music derive from music that had as its primary function the inducement of trance states used for religious purposes. After reviewing the historical, theoretical, and developmental foundations of this argument, the author draws implications for contemporary music therapy practice.
Debate: Feminism and Music Therapy
"Feminist Perspectives in Music Therapy" , Ed. Susan Hadley 2006: an essay response to the book ( p35 - p44)
Beginning Dialogues: a response to Anthony Meadows (p45 - p49)
Book Reviews
Music Therapy with Adults with Learning Disabilities - Reviewed by Janet Graham (p50)
Music Therapy Improvisation for Groups: Essential Leadership Competencies - Reviewed by Katrina McFerran (p52)
Listening to Music in Psychotherapy - Reviewed by Elaine Streeter (p53)
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