Behind closed doors: a case study (p4 - p9)
Fiona Ritchie
Recreation and music therapy: an experimental study (p10 - p 13)
Jeff Hooper, Bill Lindsay and Isobel Richardson
The paper outlines current trends in experimental research in music therapy and then presents an individual case study which examines the impact of recreational musical activities on the subject.
Music therapy in education (p14 - p17)
Sandra Wilson
This paper discusses the connection between music and the cognitive processes. It refers to learning experiences for children with learning difficulties with special reference to observational and perceptual abilities, interactive processes and memory stimulation. In this context the paper discusses how music can influence and even precipitate awareness.
The paper also discusses the importance of a therapeutic learning environment and the influence of music as a sometimes essential aspect of this environment. It distinguishes between music education and music therapy and points out the relevance of music therapy as an established part of the curriculum in the appropriate setting.
The ideas set out here have been borne out by the writer's work at a treatment centre for children with multiple problems in Toronto, Canada. The primary classroom in this centre incorporates a daily ritual of music. It is at these times that the children's attention is centred. Appendix A provides a summary of three clinical examples. Appendix B provides a list of the areas in an education setting that would be enhanced by music therapy.
Mapping the territory (p18 - p27)
Gary Ansdell
This paper outlines a model for assessing adult clients in creative music therapy based on a phenomenological approach to organising the descriptive level.
Music therapy and Alzheimer's disease (p28 - p37)
David Aldridge and Gudrun Brandt
Book Reviews
Psychoanalytical explorations in music, edited by Stuart Feder, Richard L Karmel and George H Pollock - Reviewed by Mary Priestley (p38 - p39)
Mary Priestley
Music Imagination and Culture, by Nicholas Cook - Reviewed by Mercédès Pavlicevic (p38 - p39)
Mercédès Pavlicevic