Between Chaos and Creativity: Music Therapy with 'Traumatised' Children in South Africa (p4 - p9)
Mercédès Pavlicevic
Music Therapy and Forensic Psychiatry - Choice, Denial and the Law (p10 - p18)
Helen Loth
This paper looks at aspects of work in the forensic psychiatric setting. It is based on music therapy work in a Medium Secure Unit, situated within a general psychiatric hospital. It was felt that there were several important differences in working in this unit of the hospital which often seemed to question the feasibility and existence of a music therapy group. This paper concerns itself with these differences. A brief introduction to forensic psychiatry and secure units is given first. This is followed by a short case study of an eight-week music therapy group from which material is used to look at the themes identified. These are summarized into the headings of choice, denial and the law. Their effect on the patients is discussed and the ways in which the music therapy group can address the issues involved are highlighted.
Music Therapy: Challenging Low Self-Esteem in People with a Stroke (p19 - p24)
Heather Purdie and Steve Baldwin
This paper discuses the theoretical background to the concept of low self-esteem can present in a person with a stroke. Thereafter it looks at the behavioural outcomes and the causes of low self-esteem and goes on to examine how music therapy can be used as an intervention to facilitate behavioural and psychological change in the context of stroke rehabilitation.
Book Reviews
Music Therapy An Art Beyond Words by Leslie Bunt - Reviewd by Rachel Darnley-Smith (p25 - 31)
Rachel Darnley-Smith
Art Therapy with Offenders - Edited by Marian Liebmann - Reviewed by Ann Slobada (p25 - 31)
Ann Slobada
Music and People with Development Disabilities by F.W. Schalkwijk - Reviewed by Julia Usher (p25 - 31)
Julia Usher
The Singing Cure by Paul Newham - Reviewed by Margaret Lobo (p25 - 31)
Margaret Lobo
Chain Reaction - Children and Divorce by Ofra Ayalon & Adina Flasher - Reviewed by Alison Levinge (p25 - 31)
Alison Levinge