Music Therapy Conversations - Holly Shirra

Episode 86 - 29 May 2024
Topics: Music Therapy in General, Improvisation

Qualified music therapist

Holly Shirra is a qualified music therapist who holds her focus on helping people connect in community and express themselves creatively and authentically. With classical piano training from a young age, Holly discovered a passion for free improvisation while studying music therapy, which she completed in 2020.

To help her understand further how people spontaneously create in groups, Holly founded 'Cambridge Music Improv' - a community project that gathers people from diverse backgrounds in public spaces to improvise music together. This supportive environment allows participants to tap into their creative side and find catharsis and self-expression while building connections with others.

Alongside her community work, Holly has extensive experience in musical education, teaching piano to children since the age of 15. She continues to share her love of music through teaching as a regular part of her work.

In her spare time these days, Holly likes to find balance through cooking, rock climbing, meditation, and spending time in nature.

Here is a link to Holly's documentary about the group: