> About > People > Jenny Kirkwood

Jenny Kirkwood


Jenny Kirkwood (JK) has worked as a music therapist for 13 years in paediatric and adult learning disability, mental health, and paediatric palliative care. For 3 years from 2016 she managed a team of therapists working in a range of settings across Northern Ireland, and was involved in service development, quality assurance and governance. She has also been involved in research projects into music therapy in palliative and end-of-life care with Queen’s University Belfast. Jenny currently works as AHP Coordinator for the Public Health Agency in Northern Ireland, scoping and reviewing Allied Health Professional services as part of the Health and Social Care Transformation agenda in Northern Ireland.

She has represented the music therapy profession on a number of regional Allied Health Professions’ groups with the Department of Health in Northern Ireland, including compiling the music therapy workforce review paper for the Northern Ireland Department of Health (pending publication), and she represents music therapy on the board of the Allied Health Professions Federation Northern Ireland.